Mark Wampfler '19

Major: Music Education (Instrumental and General emphases)

What made you choose this major?

I was really involved in music since pre-school, and I loved it so much I wanted to teach music to other students so they can have experiences like I did. I also wanted to be a composer, and still do, but I need to find something I can get a job in right away and teaching is a good opportunity for me to keep my music skills sharp while also composing on the side.

How has what you’ve learned prepared you for your future?

I’ve learned how to teach effectively, and in some of my courses, seen this in action. I’ve also learned different school styles so I know what kind of school I want to teach at. My classes involving music theory are really great for learning what parts of music to watch out for and how to effectively conduct music. Music Theory Four also stresses composition and arranging, which is good if I want to keep composing.

What opportunities have you had to work closely with a faculty member and what impact has that had on your education?

I’m from a very small school, so big classes get overwhelming. Carroll’s class sizes are perfect for what I am used to. In cases of music, students have a very wide range of development, and in my case, since I was involved so young, I find myself to be a little further ahead in some areas. Smaller class sizes allow for more individual attention so students get the help they need, and advanced students can work even further so they don’t get bored. My instrumental lessons are a great example because we have a meeting every Friday where we play for each other, but we have one-on-one lessons to help us internalize what we learn and develop us as individual musicians.

What’s one unique experience you’ve had relating to the coursework for your major?

My education field experience is a great opportunity. I am placed in Randall STEM academy shadowing a teacher to see real world application of what we learn. I love it so far.

How has Carroll enriched your growth as a person outside of the skills you’re learning in the classroom?

Music majors have the biggest course load in all the majors, and it doesn’t leave a lot of time to do other things with my education. The benefit of the small music department, though, is that you can be involved in sports and music. Most of our musicians are non-music majors, and even music majors can be involved in ensembles outside of their discipline. I was never interested in choir, but I am involved with choir in college when I can be. It’s very useful to get a choir side of ensemble work too, rather than being so instrumentally focused.

Why did you choose to attend Carroll University?

I am very happy with my choice. The small size is the biggest benefit because it’s similar to my high school experience and I get the extra help I need. I love being able to form relationships with professors, which would not be doable in a larger university setting. I also like the job placement Carroll provides and all the connections they have in terms of education so that when I graduate, I will already have career relationships that will help me find a job and improve my success in the field.

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