Carroll University
Chemistry Equipment

Carroll University’s chemistry and biochemistry labs give students access to the same equipment and resources found in leading industry and research facilities. This valuable, hands-on experience using advanced technology, combined with personal attention from faculty, prepares our students for graduate programs or for employment in a variety of lab positions.

Agilent UV/Vis Spectrophotometer Aglient UV/Vis Spectrophotometer

This is an instrument that can scan the UV/Visible region of the spectrum to help identify compounds by the wavelengths of UV/Visible light they absorb.

Akta Prime Akta Prime

This chromatography system is used to isolate proteins from complex mixtures such as cells, tissues or whole organisms.

Biotage Isolera Biotage Isolera

This instrument utilizes automated flash chromatography to help researchers separate organic reaction mixtures, allowing them to efficiently and quickly purify compounds.

Biotage Microwave Reactor Biotage Microwave Reactor

Unlike a standard microwave this instrument rapidly heats solutions to very high temperature for sustained periods. High temps greatly accelerate the speed at which organic reactions occur.

Bruker Avance III NMR Bruker Avance III NMR

One of the most technologically advanced pieces of equipment on campus is this nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscope. This liquid helium-cooled (4 degrees kelvin) superconducting magnet is used for structural determination.

Comparison Microscope Comparison Microscope

Used a lot in forensics analysis, in which two samples (such as bullets, fibers or tools) can be viewed side by side and aligned to detect differences and similarities.

DMA 80 DMA 80

With this piece of equipment, students and faculty researchers can analyze solid, liquid and gas samples for mercury content. Student and faculty researchers in Wisconsin, a great lakes state, utilize this often to detect mercury levels in various aquatic life.

Perkin Elmer Frontier FT-IR Perkin Elmer Frontier FT-IR

This machine uses near-infrared spectroscopy to help users identify and analyze various materials. The infrared light excites molecules in the sample, causing them to vibrate at distinct frequencies, by which they can be identified.

Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 SE Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 SE

An advanced standard gas chromatograph (GC) coupled with a mass spectrometer (MS). Temperature differences are used to separate mixtures of chemical compounds in a column. The column is plumbed to the mass spectrometer, which identifies compounds present at part-per-billion to part-per-million levels.

Thermo GC Trace Ultra Thermo GC Trace Ultra

This instrument is similar to the GCMS, except it has one detector useful for a broad range of organic compounds (Flame Ionization Detector) and a second detector selective for halogenated organics (Electron Capture Detector).

Thermo-IC1100 Thermo IC1100

This ion chromatograph is a liquid chromatography instrument used to separate and quantify anions and cations (positively and negatively charged ions). We use it especially for analysis of natural waters and municipal waters for ions like fluoride, chloride, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and bromide.


The ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer) can analyze for essentially any element on the periodic table. The argon plasma operates at about 10,000°K, which efficiently atomizes your sample with detection in the part-per-billion range. We commonly analyze environmental and industrial samples.

Thermo Nitton XRF Thermo Nitton XRF

Looks like a ray gun. Might be even cooler. This handheld unit offers nondestructive analysis and identification of metals, and can be used for such things as detecting the presence of lead in painted surfaces.

Thermo Ultimate 3000 LCMS System Thermo Ultimate 3000 LCMS System

This liquid chromatograph (like the IC) separates mixtures of soluble compounds which then get detected by UV/VIS absorption and a mass spectrometer. This instrument is useful for a broad range of sample applications, including food science, environmental and biochemical.

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