Lewis, S. E., J. G. Freund, and M. Beaver*. 2017. Consumption of native and non-native leaves by Gammarus pseudolimnaeaus: importance of stream conditioning. American Midland Naturalist 177(1):110-111.
Ellickson, A.* and S. E. Lewis. 2016. Impact of predation risk on parental care in amphipods (Gammarus pseudolimnaeus). Animal Behavior Society, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.
Lauby, S.* and S. Lewis. 2016. A novel approach to customizing enrichment for individual animals using behavioral networks. Animal Keeper Forum 43(5):136-139.
Navins, K. C.*, K. L. Williams*, and S. E. Lewis. 2016. Differences in predator escape responses correlate with reproductive status in an amphipod (Gammarus pseudolimnaeus). Journal of Freshwater Ecology 31:571-581.
Lewis, S. E., J. G. Freund, G. Riddell, J. L. Wankowski, J. T. A. Dick, and M. G. Baldridge. 2015. Interspecific comparison of estrogen and testosterone concentrations in three species of amphipods (Gammarus duebeni celticus, G. pseudolimnaeus, and G. pulex). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 35(6), 789-792.
Lewis, S. E., J. G. Freund, J. L. Wankowski, and M. G. Baldridge. 2015. Correlations between estrogen and testosterone concentrations, pairing status, and acanthocephalan infection in an amphipod (Gammarus pseudolimnaeus). Journal of Zoology (London). 10.1111/jzo.12309.
Navins, K*, G. Shelstad*, and S. Lewis. 2015. Parental provisioning in captively-bred red-billed hornbills, Tockus erythrorhynchus. Animal Keeper’s Forum 42(8):236-238.
Chouinard, S.*, E. Fax*, M. Francois*, L. Wolfe*, and S. Lewis. 2014. Cooperative care and social development in juvenile cotton-top tamarins. Animal Keeper’s Forum 41(12):336-339.
Hulina, J,* M. Lauf*, and S. Lewis, 2013. Courtship, nesting, and aggression in Gentoo penguins at the Milwaukee County Zoo. Animal Keeper’s Forum 40(3):114-122.
Lewis, S. E., A. Hodel*, T. Sturdy*, R. Todd*, C. Weigl*. 2012. Impact of acanthocephalan parasites on aggregation behavior of amphipods (Gammarus pseudolimnaeus). Behavioural Processes, 91 (2012), pp. 159-163.
Lewis, S. E., A. Yokofich*, M. Mohr*, C. Kurth*, R. Giuliani*, M. G. Baldridge. 2012. Exposure to bisphenol A modulates hormone concentrations in Gammarus pseudolimnaeus. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 90(12): 1414-1421.
Dick, J. T. A., K. Gallagher, S. Avlijas, H. C. Clarke, S. E. Lewis, S. Leung, D. Minchin, J. Caffrey, M. Alexander, C. Maguire, C. Harrod, N. Reid, N. Haddaway, K. D. Farnsworth, M. Penk, A. Ricciardi. 2012. Ecological impacts of an invasive predator explained and predicted by comparative functional responses. Biological Invasions. DOI 10.1007/s10530-012-0332-8
* Indicates undergraduate student author.