Sáez, G., Riemer, A. R., Valor Segura, I., & Expósito, F. (2021). “I’ll stop talking now”: Women’s silence in response to objectifying interactions. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. doi: 10.1177/0265407520958474
Riemer, A. R., Allen, J., *Gullickson, M., & Gervais, S. J. (2020). You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar: Objectification valence interacts with women’s enjoyment of sexualization to influence social perceptions. Sex Roles.
Sáez, G., Riemer, A. R., Valor Segura, I., & Expósito, F. (2021). “I’ll stop talking now”: Women’s silence in response to objectifying interactions. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. doi: 10.1177/0265407520958474
Wollast, R., Riemer, A. R., Sarda, E., & Klein, O. (2020). How self-compassion moderates the relation between body surveillance and body shame among men and women. Mindfulness. doi: 10.1007/s12671-020-01448-w
Riemer, A. R., Sáez, G., Brock, R. L., & Gervais, S. J. (2020). Self-fulfilling objectification in relationships: The effects of men’s objectifying expectations on women’s self-objectification in intimate partner relationships. Self and Identity. doi: 10.1080/15298868.2020.1778518
Wollast, R., Riemer, A. R., Gervais, S. J., Grigoryan, L., & Bernard, P. (2020). How cultural orientation and self-compassion shape objectified body consciousness for women from America, Belgium, Russia, and Thailand. Self and Identity. doi: 10.1080/15298868.2020.1787220
Riemer, A. R., Allen, J., *Gullickson, M., & Gervais, S. J. (2020). You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar: Objectification valence interacts with women’s enjoyment of sexualization to influence social perceptions. Sex Roles. doi: 10.1007/s11199-020-01143-z
Sáez, G., Riemer, A. R., Brock, R. L., & Gervais, S. J. (2020). The role of interpersonal sexual objectification in heterosexual intimate partner violence from perspectives of perceivers and targets. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi: 10.1007/s11199-018-0990-9
Gervais, S. J., Sáez, G., Riemer, A. R., & Klein, O. (2020). The Social Interaction Model of Objectification (SIMO): Objectification as an (often) self-fulfilling interaction process for perceivers and targets. British Journal of Social Psychology, 59, 248-283. doi: 10.1111/bjso.12339
Wollast, R., Riemer, A. R., Bernard, P., Leys, C., Kotsou, I., & Klein, O. (2019). How Self-Compassion Moderates the Effect of Body Surveillance on Subjective Happiness, Psychological Distress and Body Shame among Women. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 60, 464-472. doi: 10.1111/sjop.12553
Sáez, G., Riemer, A. R., Brock, R. L., & Gervais, S. J. (2019). Objectification in romantic relations from female recipient and male perpetrator perspectives. Sex Roles, 81, 370-384. doi: 10.1007/s11199-018-0990-9
Riemer, A. R., Gervais, S. J., Skorinko, J., *Douglas, S. M., *Spencer, H., *Nugai, K., *Karapanagou, A., & *Miles-Novelo, A. (2018). She looks like she’d be an animal in bed: Dehumanization of drinking women in social contexts. Sex Roles. doi: 10.1007/s11199-018-0958-9
Gervais, S. J., Allen, J., Riemer, A. R., & *Gullickson, M. (2018). The balanced objectification hypothesis: The effects of objectification valence and body sentiment on source sentiment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. doi: 10.1177/0146167218789625
Riemer, A. R., Haikalis, M., Franz, M. R., Dodd, M., DiLillo, D., & Gervais, S. J. (2018). Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder: An initial investigation of the effects of alcohol, attractiveness, warmth, and competence on the objectifying gaze in men. Sex Roles, 79, 449-463. doi: 10.1007/s11199-017-0876-2
Franz, M. R., Haikalis, M., Riemer, A. R., Parrott, D., Gervais, S. J., & DiLillo, D. (2018). Further validation of a laboratory analog sexual aggression task: Associations with novel risk factors for sexual violence. Violence and Victims, 33, 486-503. doi: 10.1891/0886-6708.VV-D-17-00064
Gervais, S. J., Philippe, B., & Riemer, A. R. (2015). Who treats people as sex objects? Cultural orientation, social comparison, and sexual objectification perpetration. International Review of Social Psychology special issue, Objectifying Others: Social Psychological Perspectives, 28, 153-181.
Riemer, A. R., Chaudoir, S. R., & Earnshaw, V. A. (2014). What looks like sexism and why? The effect of comment type and perpetrator type on women’s perceptions of sexism. The Journal of General Psychology, 141, 263-279. doi: 10.1080/00221309.2014.907769
*denotes undergraduate student co-author
Recent Presentations
Riemer, A. R. (2019, October). Hoping to make the grade: Sexual objectification reduces women’s academic performance due to reduced hope. Paper to be presented in the “Sexual Objectification” symposium at the 56th annual meeting of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology (SESP), Toronto, Canada.
Riemer, A. R., Gervais, S. J., & Davidson, M. M. (2019, April). Sexual objectification reduces women’s academic performance due to reduced hope. Paper presented in the “Sexual Harassment and Objectification of Women” symposium at the 91st annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association (MPA), Chicago, IL.
Riemer, A. R., Gervais, S. J., & Skorinko, J. (2019, February). She looks like she’d be an animal in bed: Dehumanization of drinking women in social contexts. Data blitz to presented at the 20thannual meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), Portland, OR.