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Carroll University seal

2020: Carroll University's Year in Review

The year 2020 was different in many ways for Carroll University—and the world. The pandemic tested us, but as Pioneers, we forged ahead. We maintained our sense of community, continued to make news, and celebrated great accomplishments. Highlights include dedicating our renovated Education Hall, home to the new School of Education and Human Services; recognizing academic excellence as Carroll zoomed up the U.S. News & World Report ranking list; and, opening up our new esports center for student competition.

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Athletics Calls An Audible

When the CCIW announced in late July that fall sports competitions at its member campuses were postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it might have seemed the Carroll athletic program would simply shut down for the fall semester.

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Marching Pioneers Wrap Successful Season

In the midst of a pandemic, The Carroll University Marching Pioneers completed a season full of new traditions. The premiere of their final marching video marks the end of the very successful 2020 fall semester.

Alumna Joy (Sage) Gatz '00

Tackling 2020 with a little bit of Joy

When the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic trimmed her substitute teaching contract, Joy (Sage) Gatz ’00 considered how she might make up the lost income for her family. Living up to her first name, she sought to find a solution to her own family’s woes but also to boost the spirit of families craving a little bit of joy in 2020.

pioneer phrases with Carroll logo

A Conversation with President Gnadinger

To give you a better glimpse into how decisions regarding COVID were made, and an update on the state of Carroll University, we sat down for a conversation with Carroll University President Dr. Cindy Gnadinger.

clock with a tree in full fall color behind

Year Two of Pioneer Driven

Our strategic plan builds upon our past success and positions Carroll for continued growth and innovation. The plan sets an ambitious agenda in four main areas: enhancing teaching and learning; enriching the Carroll experience; building and leveraging partnerships; and growing strategically, with annual objectives in each. Here's how we're doing through year two.

marching band on main lawn with Carrol C logo

Marching Pioneers Carry On

The Carroll University Marching Pioneers kicked it up a notch this semester. Band members, fully masked and physically distanced, have filled Main Lawn at 4:30 on Friday afternoons throughout the fall to perform as part of the Fridays After Class marching band concert series.

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Contact Tracing Training Program Launched

Carroll University and Waukesha County have announced a partnership that will enhance efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 through a new contact investigator training badge program. The program, administered by Carroll University, will significantly increase the number of active contact investigators in Waukesha County and allow county staff who have been aiding in contact tracing return to normal duties.

Alumnus Promise Bruce '10

Finding Promise in a pandemic

Promise Bruce ’10 worked since the age of 16 and never knew the feeling as an adult of what it was like to be without a job until he was suddenly laid off. The job loss hit just before the pandemic of 2020—with 1,100 jobs cut by his employer in a round of layoffs—but the lockdown added to the strain of what he might do next. His first step: Talk to mom. Her advice was simple but solid.

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Shaping Success

Ceramics instructor Michael Imes had a big challenge transitioning to remote delivery of his classes.

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Panoramic View of campus