Academic Progression Standards | Master of Occupational Therapy
Academic progression in the MOT program requires a grade of C or better in all MOT courses. A letter grade of D, F or U requires the student to repeat the course before progressing to subsequent courses for which the failed course is a prerequisite. When repeating an occupational therapy course, a student may be required to successfully complete ancillary learning experiences or clinical competencies/practicums that validate theoretical knowledge. If a student is unable to take further courses in the next occurring semester as a result of this policy, the student is placed on academic suspension and repeats the course during the next appropriate semester. A course may be repeated only one time. A student receiving a D, F or U in the same occupational therapy course twice or in two occupation therapy courses is dismissed from the program.
A student must obtain a grade point average of 3.0 or better each semester. If a student earns a semester grade point average between 2.0 to 2.99, he/she is placed on academic probation. To meet academic standards for progression, the student must earn a grade point average of 3.0 or better in the following semester. If a clinical internship course is scheduled during the next semester, the student must earn a satisfactory (S) grade in the clinical internship course to be removed from academic probation. If a student does not meet progression standards a second time during his or her tenure in the program, he or she will be dismissed from the program. If a student earns a semester grade point average of 1.99 or less, he/she will be dismissed from the program.