- Strength, kinematic, and kinetic variables at 6, 9, and 12 months post anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
- Differences in bone mineral density (BMD) in cross-fit athletes versus matched controls
- Maternal child wellness program
Bennett JE, Austin TA, Hayes A, Reinking MR. “Analysis of calcaneal bone mineral density (cBMD) in healthy college students.” Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2022;17(2):218-227.
Bennett JE, Austin TA, Hayes A, Reinking MR. “Calcaneal bone density and bone stress injury in NCAA division I athletes and non-intercollegiate athlete college students.” Br J Sports Med. 2021;55(Suppl 1):A1-A188.
Barenie MJ, Domenick JT, Bennett JE, Schweitzer GG, Shetty P, Weiss EP. “Short-term back squat protocol effect on 5km run performance.” Int J Exer Sci. 2020;13(7):1770-1782.
Bennett JE, Austin TA, Hayes A, Reinking MR. “A comparison of calcaneal bone density in collegiate athletes and non-athletes.” Br J Sports Med. 2017;51(4):294.
Austin TA, Bennett JE, Hayes A, Reinking MR. “Calcaneal density in collegiate athletes and non-athletes: association with bone injury, menstrual function, and activity.” J Athl Train. 2015;50(9):981-985.
Reinking MF, Austin TA, Bennett JE, Hayes A. “Lower extremity overuse bone injury risk factors in collegiate athletes: a pilot study.” Inter J Sport Phys Ther. 2015;10(2):155-167.
Bennett JE, Reinking MF, Rauh MJ. “The relationship between isotonic plantar flexor endurance, navicular drop, and exercise-related leg pain in a cohort of collegiate cross-country runners.” Inter J Sport Phys Ther. 2012;7(3):267-278.
Newsham KR, Bennett JE, Howell TG. “The effect of surface angle on a six- week single leg squat exercise program.” J Athl Train. 2012;47(3):S158-159
Bennett JE, Reinking MF, Pluemer B, Pentel A, Seaton M, Killian C. “Factors contributing to the development of medial tibial stress syndrome in high school runners.” J Orthop Sport Phys Ther. 2001;31(9):504-10.
Bennett JE. Chapter 15: “Electromyographic (EMG) Biofeedback” in Physical Agents in Rehabilitation, An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice, 6th edition, M. Cameron. Elsevier, St. Louis, MO, © 2022.
Bennett JE, Kaar S, Youngblood SA. “Imaging of the lower leg, ankle & foot (LLAF) for the sports physical therapist” from: Diagnostic Imaging in Sports Physical Therapy (Editor Rosenthal M). Home Study Course; APTA Sports Physical Therapy Section.
Bennett JE. Chapter 4: “Achilles tendinopathy and plantar fasciopathy in the aging athlete” from: Rehabilitation of the aging athlete (Editor Cuoco A). Home Study Course; APTA Sports Physical Therapy Section.
- Moynihan JR, Havlovitz RJ, Pearson JT, Bennett JE. “Isometric Strength and Kinetic Variables at 10 months Post Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction (ACLR): Case Report of a NCAA Division III Female Basketball Player.” 2022 Wisconsin APTA Fall Conference (poster presentation); Wisconsin Dells, WI.
- American Board of Physical Therapy Residency and Fellowship Education (ABPTRFE) – On-Site Reviewer
- American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy (AASPT) abstract review committee
- Evidence-Based Practice Committee, NATA BOC
- Committee of Content Experts (CCE), National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME)
- Specialist Academy of Content Experts (SACE) II, NBME
- Liaison, APTA Sports Physical Therapy Section
- Certified Examiner, NATA Board of Certification (BOC)
- Specialist Academy of Content Experts (SACE) I, NBME
- USA Wrestling (USAW) Medical Volunteer
- Medical Volunteer, United States Olympic Committee, Colorado Springs, CO
- Medical Volunteer, USA Paralympic Shooting Team
- Medical Volunteer, United States Olympic Committee, Chula Vista, CA
- Alpha Eta Honor Society
- Best Poster, RMUoHP 6th Annual EBP Symposium
- Marilyn Ott Ratay Scholarship in Physical Therapy
- Health & Physical Education Honor Student
- Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society
- Summa Cum Laude